Shravanabelagola's skilled and intellectual ... Swami ji,
Author – Swastishri Kshullak Atulya Sagar (currently Muni Pujya Sagar)

Continuous workman ..., Silent saint ..., Naturally perfect ..., Calm and Gentle personality ... Positive attitude ... These all are some feature of Param Pujya Jagadguru Karmayogi Swastishri Charu Kirti Bhattarak Swami ji. His life is an open book, in which every page is filled with fragrance and by the qualities of discipline, devotion, determination and humility. These pages of their life span can easily attract every common and special person today, that’s why today he have thousands of followers in every corner of the country. Identifying the personality is his work and this is his introduction. The development work done by him in Shree kshetra Shravanabelagola is not hidden from anyone nor is it the situation here before becoming a Bhattarak. In the last 50 years, his efforts not only in shree kshetra but also for the Jain community of the state of Karnataka to keep the organization organized and give direction is appreciable. Considering the hallmark of the efforts of Shravanabelagola's development process and reaching the highest level, it will not be exaggerated to say that Swamiji is a skilled intellect of modern day Shravanabelagola.
Only after four months of initiation he took over the monastery
If you look into Swamiji's life story, you will find that his name was Ratna varma before Deeksha. In true sense he is not only of Karnataka’s Gem Stone, but precious stone of Jain society. Under whose guidance many organizations and pilgrimage centers are functioning smoothly today. He was born on May 3, 1949 and 20 years later, on 12 December 1969, he took initiation of Deeksha. Since then, he is constantly working. Four months after the initiation, he took over the reins of Shravanabelagola monastery on April 19, 1970. He studied Master ofArts in History from Mysore University, Master of Arts in Philosophy from Bangalore University, special study on Jainism. He has done Masters in Hindi Literature and Masters in Sanskrit Literature. He is a knower of languages such as Kannada, Marathi, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Hindi, English etc.
Visionary development and efficient leadership motivator
Due to the efficient leadership and visionary development plan of Param Pujya Swamiji, the system of Shree kshetra has been made possible in a systematic manner. At one time the temples here did not have smooth poojan arrangements, the Scarcity of resources and there was no system for the pilgrimage’s to stay. Since the establishment of Swami Ji's Chairmanship, the development here has caught momentum. Firstly, he built a worship system in the temples and renovated around 40 temples and some of the temples around Shree Kshetra. Firstly, he built a worship system in the temples and renovated around 40 temples and some of the temples around Shree Kshetra.
With the efforts of Swamiji, there has been a good arrangement of Nitya Puja in all temples here. It has also the best arrangement for the travelers to stay, food etc. There is a system of separate living arrangements for sages&saints. All the facilities are also available for staging the sadhus in Sage Bhawan, Tyagi bhawan, King Shreyans Bhawan etc. No such other pilgrimage was found to be seen. Swamiji has been influencing Jainism not only in the country but also abroad. They have also traveled there for preaching. He has gone to America, Africa, England, Burma, Thailand, etc. In 1988, the installation of a 7-ft high statue of Lord Bahubali in Lester city of England was under his guidance. In February 2011, he constructed a Rathnatraya temple in Shree kshetra, in which the statues of ancient gems would be bequeathed. The magnificence of this temple is unique.
Grand arrangements of Mahamastakabhisheka
It is the result of Swami ji's efficiency and visionary leadership that in the interval of 12 years, three grand Mahamastakabhisheka is organised. After the Mahamastakabhisheka of the year 1981, 1993, 2006, Swamiji took new initiatives for development in the area. During the Occasion of 1981 Maha Mastakabhishekha Janmangal Kalash traveled from Delhi and traveled all over the country, which is still a memorial form. Jain Gyan Prakashak Sangh was established after Mahamastakabishek, under which school-colleges were opened. The Gomateshwar Janakalyan Trust was established and in this, various works of public welfare were carried out. Then in 1993, the National Institute of Prakrit and Research Center was opened, where work for the manuscript palm papers, translation and publication of texts started. After this, the gates of Chandragiri and Vindhyagiri Mountains were constructed. After The Third MahaMastakabhishek the Bahubali Children Hospital was opened.
On the occasion of Mahamastakabhishek of the year 2018, the society is expecting to get General Hospital of 100 beds and Prakrit University. In this way, after every Mahamastabhishek area recieve precious gifts which is the milestone of development tour here.
A visionary on social reform and social work
Whatever development and social service are going on in Shree kshetra, they are all symbols of Swamiji's passion and hard work. By uniting a divided society, he also established a free hospital for the needy. Several schemes have been launched to provide health benefits to the surrounding villagers as well. One of which, the mobile clinic it reaches regularly in ten adjacent villages and treats people. From time to time, free health tests, eye tests and dental camps are organized, in which people get free treatment. Here Swamiji also runs many public welfare schemes, in which assistance is provided to all Jain-jainietra classes of our society. Wheel-chairs, calipers, Jaipur legs (artificial legs) for handicapped and sewing machines provided for handicapped housewives. The needy here does not return empty-handed. Swamiji is also leading the field in the social welfare. Various events are organized here to organize people. The fortnightly newspaper is being published from Shree kshetra by the name Kannada Gommatavani.
Protection of Jain literature
Param Pujya Swamiji has made great effort to spread of Jain literature and done efforts for its protection. Jain literature is flourishing here due to his scholarship and dedicated efforts. In future, Swamiji is keen to open a Prakrit University here and the proposal is under consideration. If the university gets approval then it will be the biggest achievement for Jain literature and its enrichment.
Swamiji the carrier of the rich disciple tradition
7 Bhattarks initiated Param Pujya swami ji are guiding the society by heading different monasteries and they are committed to the development of those areas.
Swamiji's disciple
Param Pujya Swatishishri Lalitakirti Bhattarak Swamiji Karkal Math
Param Pujya Swastishri Bhuvankirti Bhattarak Swamiji of Kanakgiri Jain Math
Param Pujya Swastishri Bhanukirti Bhattarak Swamiji of Kambadhalli Jain Math
Param Pujya Swastishri Dhawalakirti Bhattarak Swamiji of Arhantagiri Jain Math
Moodbadri Jain monastery's current supreme worshiper Swastishri Charukti Bhattarak Swamiji, former Bhattarak who has attain ideal death (Samadhi maran)
Param Pujya Swastishri Devendrakirti Bhattarak (Dharmakirti of Hombuja Goddess Padmavati Jain Math
Param Pujya Laxmisen Bhattarak Swamiji of Narasimha Raja Pura (Jwalaamalini) Jain Math
Param Pujya Swastishri Bhattakalank Bhattarak Swamiji of Saunda Math
Kshullak Siddhaant Kirti Swamiji of Artipur Jain Math.
Almost all the organizations of Digambar Jain society come to Swamiji for guidance and they work intandem. He is the dignitaries of Bijapur’s SahasraPhaanee Parshvanaath Mandir, Nallur Samavasaran Mandir, Markuli Adinaath Mandir, Shaleegraam Bhakta Mandir, Arsikere Sahastrakoot Jinalaya aur Mayasendra Mandir where all the works are under his guidance. Param Pujya Swami has included Chaturmasa Charya in his charity since 1997. Since then he had done 16 Chaturmas. He also has given his full time to spiritual activities while playing the responsibilities of social functions and monasteries. Every year he practice silence, meditation, self-study on a regular basis. Tenacity and sacrifice also keep moving together.
Since 1997, he has reduced the use of the car, and from 2002 to 2009, he undertook walking tour. There was an important reason behind Swamiji's abandonment of the car. During this time, the scholars translated 40 parts of Dhawla, Jaydhawla and Mahadhvala into Kannada under his guidance. Swamiji has edited all of these. 21 of this have been published and the rest is in the process of publication. Even after the completion of the work, he uses the vehicle only when he goes out for the urgent works.
He has stopped talking on the phone since 2001. Despite having such busy schedules and so many responsibilities, running all the work smoothly without the phone itself has a unique quality. Due to such versatile, talented and virtuous Bhattarakji, Shree kshetra is recognized today. Visitors, travelers, devotees and saints coming here come back with a warm welcome by their sincere welcome and excellent arrangements. For the sense of humility, sitting on the post of the head of monastery, this intimate personality is the source of inspiration for every common and special. All of us will have to learn from dedication, perseverance, passion and loyalty of Swamiji, only then we will be able to fulfill the duty of religion, pilgrimage, saint protection and country defense by putting the society in a garland.
On working for world peace, the Government of Karnataka has bestowed the Mahavir Shanti Award in 2017 to Swamiji. Under this, 10 lakhs has been honored with prashasti, shawl and shreephal.